Once the nursing home started taking her Medicare check as payment, things went from bad to worse. Not only were both of us still reeling over the fact that there was a very real possibility that she would never get to see her home again (she hadn't been home since the last week of March at this point), but my disability income had gone from a supplemental income to the sole income for the household.
The Credit Union told me I needed Power of Attorney to discuss her Home Equity Loan and/or accounts. Now that they have those papers, they tell me my name needs to be on the property in order for them to proceed with a loan modification.
That's nothing but a whole lot of red-tape baloney. According to the Power of Attorney, I am a legal agent acting in my mother's stead. They're making excuses, dragging their heels, trying to make me miss some crucial deadline so that they can just take our home. Everything we own is in this house. It was built for us. We have lived here for the past forty years. It is not in good shape. It needs a lot of work. It would sit empty while I wander around living out of dumpsters, and the most terrifying thing of all is that they just don't care.
I have budgeted myself into the very dust, and there just isn't anything left over for me to make a $300 a month loan payment ($400 now that some payments have been missed). It's bad enough that I have to leave my mother in that god-forsaken place, but I just can't bear the thought that she is going to lose everything that she worked so hard her entire life for.
I have been to every organization and charity under the sun, but their programs have either faced drastic budget cuts or been eliminated outright. It has shot past frustrating right into devastating. I have done everything that I know how to do, but it is never enough. Without help, this is going to bury us both. If we lose this house, neither of us will survive it.
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