Saturday, December 25, 2010

So Much For The Golden Rule...It's Every Man For Himself...

Let's get something straight...drop the tough love. I am not a drug addict. I am not an alcoholic. My mom is fighting for her life. Please do not say stupid things like...what do you expect, people don't live forever, she's had a good long life, don't feel crapped on, there are a lot of people out there who are far worse off than you are, death is a part of life, it's the natural order of things, you knew this day would come, would you rather that she suffer until you're ready to let her go, it's no big deal, suck it up, get tough, deal with it, that's life, oh well, I know it's hard, so what, etc. ad nauseum. If you're too busy with your own life to waste time offering any real comfort in mine, then do me a favor and just shut the hell up and stay the hell away from me.

I actually reached out to this friend I knew a long time ago when I stumbled across their Facebook account. I mentioned some of the people we used to hang out with, what church we used to go to and asked them to please keep my mom in their prayers (they go to church). I asked them to please let me know that they got my message. Ironically, this person would be very familiar with my mother's particular illness (COPD), because they had studied respiratory care in college and were now actively practicing it. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought compassion is supposed to extend to everyone when you're a Christian...regardless of whether or not you remember them well or even remember them at all. This person completely ignored my simple requests to keep my mother in their prayers.

I have encountered this cold-heartedness on way too many occasions with people who are affiliated with the church on a regular basis. I have found far too many (but not all) to be petty, judgmental, cold, opportunistic, unforgiving and outright cruel. I told this person in one of my messages that I remembered that they were kind. It became painfully obvious that the person I once knew no longer existed, because that person really used to care about me and valued me enough as a friend to deem me worthy of a response. I reached out at one of the most devastatingly painful times in my entire life. In complete and utter indifference, they abandoned me to my grief without so much as a word of encouragement. To find out like this that I no longer have any worth in this person's eyes, so little value as a human being that my messages were simply was a bitter blow.

I have complete strangers that I talk to online that are more compassionate than I could have ever hoped for. They openly express their concern about what's happening to my mom and they've never even met me. I know die-hard atheists that are far more compassionate and concerned about me than this person was. The Bible that I remember says "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I guess I must have read it wrong. There is a rock where this person's heart used to be, which will come in handy when it's their turn to deal with the imminent passing of a loved one. You can't feel your heart break when you no longer have one.

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